Hi doctor, I am 29 yrs, dealing with irregular periods. Was onn and off on yasmin. Last was suggested yasmin in month of march for 6months. Did complete my course. However i took yasmin for 5months then discontinued had unprotected sex so poped a emergency pill which caused my periods quite early. then completed my last month with yasmin. TESTs done : Tyro, Hormonal, are normal. Last Ultra sound my doctor said my left ovary was skightly bulky (donno what that means, m i a PCOD?).
Was asked to take FSH, Ultra sound on my 2-3day of normal period. however i didnt get one. Had my last period on 8 october 2014 (after yasmin pill). Last intercourse was 26-27sep. Not Pregnant.
Had vaginal thrush in october (which was treated). My Doctor prescribed me deviry 5 days on 12dec. But its been more than 7 days after last tab. Still havent received periods. There is Slight Lower Abdomen pain and discomfort. i have put onn belly weight like never before. Unexplained Bloating. Facial hair growth. Too much hairloss. Pimples.
I also have a migraine (additional info). Please HELP.