i have an extremely itchy, red, round "rash" below my ankle. Initial thought was spider bite. Used anti-bacterial ointment and took benadryl, itch eased. Week later, feels like I got bit all over again so went to doctor. He said spider bite, took round of steroids and benedryl, itch eased, looked little better. Few days after completed steroids, did it again! This time doctor said probably fungal and gave me diflucan x 4 days, but also levaquin x 10 days just in case wrong. Itch eased, looked little better. 10 days after completed levaquin, flared up again - this time included slight fever, blotchy rash on neck/chest/back, plus heart rate over 100. This time a doctor said lymes disease so 14 days of doxicycline antibiotic. still somewhat itchy 5 days after beginning this round! its also painful....i assumed from losing all of the layers of skin that peal off when it is "healing". HELP!!!