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Skin Rash Questions & Answers

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6 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hello, I was wondering if there was any other information or tidbits about Dermatomyositis that I haven t read...and I have read a lot. I am 80% sure this has been my problem, I see my Rheumatogist soon and would like to discuss it. I believe I have many of the symptoms, especially the rash which...
8 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
hi, i am a 29 yr old male, six foot four and 210 pounds, I have had problems for over 2 months now, it started with what i thought was poison ivy, this covered pretty much my entire body, i was put on a steriod pack and told to take benedryll and allegra, this knocked the rash down but came back,...
6 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi, I am a female 19 year old just moved to los angeles. For the past 4 to 5 months I have been getting hives. Everything seems to trigger my hives. I don t know what cause it and so far anti histamine and anti itch lotion including calamine lotion don t help.I can t use hydrocotizone because I...
6 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi there, am lisa here..the problem i had is my skin is kinda oily but i dnt have that much pimples..but recently i took some of the tablet which include gluthathion in it for a brighter n clearer works on other part of the body but on my face, a small pimples/rashs appear so much around...
11 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
my 21 yr old fair skinned daughter Marie has had a nuva ring for 1 yr. She has been a life guard for 6 yrs. Never had any skin problems. This year she has had prickly heat type rashes, and easily gets sunburned. No other health problems at all. Good health 5.3 104 lbs. small but athletic. Can...
11 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
I have a rash that is below my left ear. It has only been there since Thurs and it was below both ears so I put calamine lotion on it...the one below the right ear went away and the one below my left is still there and itching really bad!! I keep applying calamine lotion and it doesn t seem to be...
11 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi, My Kid is of age 4. Day before yesterday , she was very tired and always found lying on bed. Yesterday we found Red Rashes in her body and One Eye Lid was Swollen in the morning.. By evening, Rashes in the body disappeared .. Again today when she woke up, Rashes were found all over the body...
7 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Dear Doctor, I am a warlock. I ve temporarily have lost most of my powers. I m unable to levitate, fly or become transparent. When I try, the objects fall to the floor. I also have a green and red rash over my face and upper chest. I m very frightened. Can you suggest a potion to help me out. Or...
13 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi, I am 33, female and have been battling with rashes and itchiness (severe) for 7 years. I am on a gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, egg-free diet for 3 yrs now). Needless to say this has been a painful journey. My question is- about 6 weeks ago I broke out under my buttocks (I had been...
6 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
1 month ago I had a tubal ligation the Doctor cut my intestine he didn t catch it andp sent me home a few hours later I felt terrible throwing up sharp stabbing pain I called my dr he said it was most likely gas pain and wanted me to walk around I didn t feel better so I went to the Er where they...
6 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hi, my grand mum seems to have sudden red rashes from her knees downwards on both legs. Mildly itchy but its flat, not raised. She also feels feverish. An allergy test was done the last time she had it but the results were inconclusive. What do u think it may be?
6 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
i am 31 5 8 and weigh 135 i have had this rash on my legs they are no bigger then a silver dollar and as small as a dime and red in color. they are mainly from my knee cap down i have had them for over a month now and for the past two weeks i have had a headache that pounds from back of my ear...
6 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
I ve had a rash for a few weeks and was put on Prednisone. I had an allergic reaction to the Prednisone and was given some cream instead. The rash is better in spots but is spreading to different spots. Also, I am now finding bruises on my body where I was itchy. Help.
9 1 Mon, 1 Apr 2024
About two weeks ago, I broke out with a rash of very small bumps in clusters on my lower arms and biceps area. Also along my underarms and chest area. I suspect it came from a new soap that I was using. Previous to this episode, I had solely used Dove Unsented soap for sensitive skin. Now the...
6 1 Mon, 1 Apr 2024
22 years old, came off of birth control pills after 3 years, had a cold and sore throat which was treated for with antibiotics, severe rash and stomach pains began shortly after this...recently diagnosed with Henoch Schonlein Pupura after a skin biopsy and multiple blood tests...rash outbreaks...
6 1 Thu, 21 Dec 2023
I. Had pitorryasis rosea 5 years ago I am now 50 and in good health But recently have had stress but can cope eg mum in hospital etc I have lost a little weight but slim anyway and keep seeing odd bruises appearing but do lots of gardening and painting etc I don t eat lots but feel sickly towards...
13 1 Mon, 4 Dec 2023
Im getting a rash almost daily on hairline, neck, jawline, upper chest and in my eyes. It is red, burns and itches, and has small hard pustual blisters that are very painful. It goes away then returns with no apparent stimulant, often in the same 24 hrs. When i wake it is minimal or even gone. As...
14 1 Mon, 4 Dec 2023
Hello, My name is Elena Sokol, I am a LMT practicing in Iowa, USA. Could you please advise on the Detox Reactions such as skin rashes while using essential oils ? What may we expect and how to deal with it?... I have been giving a couple of RainDrop (with detox essential oils) sessions for the...
6 1 Thu, 3 Aug 2023
My mother in law has been suffering from nettle rash every day for the last 9 months. She has changed EVERYTHING from diet to washing powder to bedding.She has seen a specialist who said that she has a sensitive immune system, but is not allergic to anything. She has also been getting pain in her...
7 1 Wed, 2 Aug 2023
I started out with a small rash on one side of my belly. After growing and getting more itchy I was treated for Poison Ivy/oak, but it blistered and wept for two days so I was also swabbed for shingles. However I have had no pain - only intense itch. THe rash spread across my front and around to...
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