One month ago I woke up with my left wrist in moderate pain. The pain intensified for a couple of days and I became solely dependent on my right hand. I was able to rest the wrist over the weekend. I am a carpenter so I really need both hands. The following Monday I was back to using both hands in concert. Tuesday morning around 2 am, I was awoken by my right wrist in severe pain. That wrist has been in moderate to severe pain ever since. Last night I had severe pain revisit my left wrist which has hurt at least a little since its initial on set. My family Dr. had me tested for gout. I have been a beer fan for 25 years, I recently changed my diet, new years resolution, I had two meals consisting of big portions of shrimp, and the day before my first symptoms, had a big plate of beef liver. The blood test was deemed negative. My levels of uric acid were 7.2. I took a round of colchicine as prescribed with little effect. I was prescribed hydrocodone accetimetifine for the pain which has been the only real pain relief. I went through a course of prednisone last week and that did relieve my swelling but not the stiffness. Now I am awaiting an appointment at the rheumatologist in 4 days. What do you think?