Hi, doctor. Im 31 years old, male. I have been sufferring from neck pain last 3 weeks ago. Here are the symptom: neck pain and convulsions and its goes up to head and caused me headache, shoulders are convulsions as well, back pain, facing difficulting when trying to move my head and depressed. I had met a serious accident and minor accidents 3 years ago. I have consulted the specialist. I have been scanned for X-Ray and MRI. No negative aspect for X-Ray. here is my MRI report:
MRI Cervical Spine:
Axial T2*, Sagittal T1/T2WI/T2FS
posterior disc protrusion of C2/3, C3/4, C4/5 are noted mildly indenting the spinal cord. The mid sagittal AP diameter of the spinal canal is normal. No evidence of myelopathy. The vertebral bodies are normally alligned. The height of the vertebral bodies and disc spaces are normal. No evidence of end plate destruction. The exitting foramina, ligamentum flavum, PLL and overlying spinal muscle are normal. No evidence of paravertebral soft tissue mass.
The specialist only gave me medicine like papain 10 000, mobic meloxicam, norgesic (blister tab) to be completed and flanil analgesic ointment to apply. He also advised me to wear neck collar. However, I had completed the medicines. But the symptoms are off and on. He didnt ask me to go for physiotherapy. My questions:
1. What is this disease? can it be fully recovered?
2. I heard about radiofrequency injection and the patient will be injected for once, the pain will 90% go off. What is it and how effectiveness is the injection? Is it after injecting, I will be fully recovered?
3. I want to try acupunture. But i afraid it will worsen the condition. Should I try for it?
4. Any other advice?
Hope you can clear up my doubt. Thanks in bunches. GOD BLESS YOU