i am in indoor track season right now. Saturday we had a meet where i ran three races (3k, 1mi, and 400) and then yesterday(Monday) we had another hard workout on the track where i ran approximately 4 miles of sprint (1200 tempo followed by (200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800) x 2. my heel started hurting half way through and in only painful when i put weight on the heel. if i walk on my toes it doesn't hurt, and i run with a mid to toe strike. could it be the sharp turns? or maybe i stopped abruptly? i iced and used estem on it last night hoping that when i woke up the pain would be gone. it felt better this morning but still a little tender when striking the ground. is this something i need to rest or do you thing it is just a bruise? or just a result of hard forces on tight turns? i run most of my miles on the treadmill right now except for track workouts with the team.