I usually get my period every 23 days (counting from the last day of my period) or every 27 days (counting from the start of my period to the next one) I had protected sex (condom) on December 20. It could have been during my fertile period but you can never be too sure. I was then about 5 days late for my next period, but it was normal and lasted 4 days as usual. Between those 5 late days I took 3 hpt and they all came back negative. I am now waiting for it again and according to my period tracker application, I should have it right now. I had taken another hpt last week (January 31) and again it was negative so I was relieved. The reason I took it was because I was feeling weird pelvic discomfort and one day I felt pain when I pressed on the left ovary. The pain went away shortly but every couple of days I get that pelvic discomfort on the left side, like something is there. I have no other symotoms except during the few days I had the sharper pain in my ovary, I felt a little nausea and would feel full quickly after eating a little. My periods have been very synchronized since I can remember so this is starting to worry me a lot. I must let you know that I have had one termination in may 2013. I have also been under a lot of stress lately, moved to another town, started the gym, and changed my eating habits (all within the last 2 weeks).