About 2 months ago I used tampons that were too big for me (wasn t paying attention to the size on the box when I bought it) - and it would hurt putting in and taking out, and I still had intercourse with my husband in between. It prompted a UTI, and I took antibiotics, but the pain (burning, inflammation) never went away. I thought I had a yeast infection, went through 3 yeast infection treatments, saw my GP, and sent through 2 other treatments (antibiotics) - nothing was working. Until I used Replens vaginal lubricant) to help soothe the Inside, at the beginning of last week, and lo and behold... stuff starting to come out... For the past 5 days my body has finally been ejecting the bits of tampons that had stayed behind and most probably been pushed behind the cervix during intercourse (the last time it happened, 2 months ago). I saw my gyno this morning and he says it looks all clear, but was scratching his head, as he checked me before and never saw anything. My question is how long before I start feeling normal again ? The Replens has helped tremendously in dislodging the matter that was stuck Inside me, so do I keep using it every 2 days ? Do I give myself a distilled water / coconut oil douche to help clean out the insides again ? Besides feeling pretty stupid for what happened, but also a bit upset at the 2 doctors I saw who categorically told me that NO, there was nothing stuck Inside me... I want the burning sensation to leave me and I want to feel normal again... ! I just don t know how long I should expect it to take for me to heal...