I'm a dry skin type .3 yrs ago dermatoligist prescribe me steroid cream name Eumosone so i'm using this cream for last 3 yrs
on & off like twice a daily but in last few month my face start itching with little small bump in face look like rash n little
bit redness so Dr assumed it allergy n gave me anti hisatamin tablets ,I took all 30 of them but in last 10 days it got worse n
ya i was using steroid cream in between same like on and off type so it start like Skin Rash with whole lot of redness n lots of
bump on my face with clear liquid n yellow inside, n its itch so much , earloaf is also itching, little puffy chik so i checked with
Dr n she gave me DUAC GEL for acne n i tried it which makes my skin vesy dry ,lik skin is peeling off ,my face swell little bit ,itching
got worsen ,redness was there but that little liquit containg bump was gone ...so i again consult with GP Dr this time they gave
me DOXYCYLINE 100 mg assuming it is ROSACEA and ANTI HISTAMIN tablets for itching ,SO I'M USING THIS ANTIBIOTIC for last 4 days,
everything is getting better slowly accept my face n eyelid r swelling more n more everyday n itching is there asusall, n for extrem dryness
i'm using boroline antiseptic cream n it does seems helping but because of this swellingness of face i'm feeling like it's not a ROSACEA but a side effect
of long term use of EUMOSONE steroid cream ...what should i do now ? i'm in bad shape ...MY CURRENT CONDITION IS skin rash, itching, burning, or redness;dry or cracking skin ,
skin rash ,changes in color of treated skin LIK WRINLE n kinda lik sunburn,blisters, pimples, or crusting of treated and face is swelling including eye