Hi, I'm 38, 6'0 and 220lbs with a clean medical history. I am an avid runner (2-3 weekly) but 2 weeks ago after a run I felt a dull ache in my inner upper right thigh so I stopped. I looked up the muscle group and came to the conclusion it was a groin strain as it was the abductor magnus. I have been very cautious with over exercising and have not run since. I do cycle to work still (10 mile round trip) and continue to swim a little as well (2-3 times a week). However, today, I just went for a quick run (literally 50 metres, no more) to test it out and after reaching the local shop I could begin to feel a dull throbbing ache in my hamstring area so am confused and a little frustrated. Half an hour later it's still aching but ever so slightly. Normal walking or sudden sharp movements do not aggravate it. Looking the area up it's the semitendinosus. I've bought some anti-flams and am hoping I can get this sorted quickly as missing running. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.