Approximately ten year ago I noticed a hard lump in my armpit. It wasn't red, and nothing visible on the skin but if I lift up my arm you can see a swollen lump. The pain would go from being quite unbearable to not being able to feel it and the frequency of this, well there doesn't seem to be a pattern at all. I saw my doctor but he said it was my imagination that he could neither see nor feel the lump. As a result of his comments I have gone year after year putting up with this. Last November I decided I needed to try to sort this out so saw another doctor. She felt that it was fatty tissue and sent me for an ultrasound. It showed my breast was very nodular, I had several cyst but my armpit was ok, nothing noted. I don't know what to do, I have been in terrible pain this week from the lump, I wake from my sleep in pain, I just don't know how to resolve this.