Yes, this pertaining to the ovary's. My daughter has been diagnosed with oophoritis (auto immune oophoritis) which attacks the ovaries, and the Doc in Atl. Relays that it puts her in menopause & takes her out of it periodically) she has had all kinds of symt. For 3 yrs at least and has been to numberous Drs. Even to Emory Univerity doctors, they all say her test are normal so don't give her anything. About a yr ago she had bad abd pain and her gall bladder was removed, we went to be with her, we have a business, but due to her husband being out of the country and also traveling to Can, Mont etc for his job, we went from Sc to Cummin Ga to be with her. Next am her Bld pressure dropped she was dizzy Had N & V (had vertigo before) EMS tried to take her to ER but she refused to go because the wk before the neighbors took her to Hosp same symptoms, but no help, she had been to numerous dr. Locally, the only doctor that has helped her the most is a Naturepathic Dr, who put her on a gluton free diet, she's a great believer in going on the browser to find blog for foods, he said her thyroid is not functioning as it should and the adrenal gland very well, she is presently not on thy meds nor on adrenal med.She took for a while, seems like every med causes more sum. This is a laid back 48 yr female who with her husband had adopted 2 daughtes from China one just turned 8 and one just turned 11 yrs and she needs to get her health back, she had the hormone tests done a month ago, think a Gyn Doc and was notified yesterday, she has auto immune oophoritis, I can't seem to find much info in my medical books ( I'm a retired nurse so my books are old) my daughter' s started to go down whe they adopted the now 8 yr old, who was 3 when adopted, she did not want to be "controlled " her R hand was not fully developed @ birth only had little nubbins on her hand , so it involved many different councelors from Ga to Mont after their moves but she is such a happy little girl now and everything has been running smoothly now. But it took its tole on her mothers health and immune system.
Sorry this is so much in detail and is so long, but would like any info you can give me,