Hi, I am diagnosed Bi-Polar 2 with high anxiety. My sister is as well. I was diagnosed at a social clinic and attended the one on one and group therapy for over a year. Learned a great deal. I do research on my own. The doctor's come and go there. I have been seeing the newest Dr., and frankly, I do not like her. Since, I am now on Disability, I have insurance that allows me to go elsewhere. I am going to make a appointment with one of the network Psychiatrist's, and believe me, there is not many in my area. I want to know if I can see a new doctor and get a new start. Meaning, I do not want him to go by what my other doctors have input. Is this possible, or is he going to make me give up the record's. I do not want him to be influenced in anyway. I am on just two med's now. Can he make his own evaluation? Some Dr.'s are very arrogant or they talk to you like your a baby. I am 50 yrs. of age. I am getting to the point of giving up on Psychiatrist's. I think GP are more compassionate. Why does this seem to be.