What is a weak pulse, since I had a Blood Pressure at 120/80 at the same time my neruologist told me this. What casues that and what can I do about it. The Doctor was very quick and dismissive, said I didn[t have any nerological cause for it.
My neurologist just said today, I had a weak pulse, brachycardia , history of low blood pressure and a past history of a positive Tilt-Table test(Vaso-vagal syncopeI. Ijust saw a neurologist to rule out neurological causes because I had 3 syncope episodes in one day in November and the ER(then admitted for several days testing) and my own cardiologist concured that I had a ist degree A-V block, and a past history of vaso-vagal syncope via a positive Tilt-Table test. But on referral to an EP specialist, he said there was a very low chance of discovering heart ahrythmia with cathetization and sugessted watchful waiting instead.