. Had an angiogram 5 years ago, 97% 47% and 21% blockage, stent was put in to clear the 97%blockage, others were left. A few months ago had a couple of episodes of chest pain short of breath, enough to send me to the hospital. Got sent for another angiogram, stent ok other 2 blockages almost gone(or so I was told) I was told all good, don't make another appointment.
Last week episodes came again, feeling like I was going to fall down, really tight chest and short of breath, bad headache in my left temple area, which has now happened twice in last week. My cardio doc didn't seem concerned when I saw her a few months ago.
My question, are there any other test that I could say I want, can a blockage just disperse and does it create problems when this happens? Would a cardiac CT help me at all and why am I now getting the pain in my head and neck?