Hi, my name is Demetri, and I have been having bladder issues that have ruined my life for the past 2 years now. It all started from having a phobia about urinating around other when i was drinking alcohol on many occassions so i would hold in my urine not thinking anything of it, and I would urinate when everybody left. The problem has gotten so bad in the past 2 years that now I pea almost every 20 minutes to an hour and I have a weak stream and baerly anything comes out, and i feel feverish and chills often, very tired and weak, easily confused, my heart palpitates, i feel sharp pains in my abdomen my sides and my back, my life is a nightmare. In the past 2 years I have seen numerous doctors, and been to the ER, and have had numerous urine tests and blood tests done and every test has shown no infection, and good kidney function. Im at the end of my rope, please tell me what I should do? No doctors can find anything wrong, but If they were me that would definitely think otherwise. This all started from holding in my urine while drinking many times, and holding in urine many other times even when not drinking all due to phobia, I never thought it would cause all of this, Im so scared and so depressed I really need help. What can I do?