Hello, I am 51 years old, my hair has falling out for at least 8 years when washed (all over). I stopped blow drying it about 5 years ago because it was thin, I wore it wash and wear(wavy) to make it look thick, but I had to stop that a year and half ago because it was drying out(still falling out as well). Now I braid it but the braids are so thin I tie it up with a scarf. I was diagnosis with lymphedema in May 2014, but I had it since age 17/18 years old. The only meds I take when I have to is Hydrochlorothazide for water. Recently my scalp is itchy so I ve been messaging it with Travocort maybe about three times now. What can I do to stop my hair from falling out, how can I grow my hair back, and how can I stop the itching????