Hi. I m 24 an female. I ve had stomach pains the last couple of weeks, especially after eating. I thought it might be carbs etc. I m feeling a little dizzy and lightheaded also. I ve been switching between constipation and very soft bowel movements along with very smelly wind. I ve been feeling under the weather in general. I went to the toilet and have noticed big, white stingy type worms in my stool. About 5 or 6 as well a yellow lump (only small) The strings were anywhere between 1 to 3 inches long, hanging out of my stool. My tummy is always aching but I m also always hungry! I ve been eating a lot of calories, about 2500-3000. I usually eat 1500-2000 a day. I ve also lost 5 stone in weight in 15 months, 1 stone after dieting but the other 4 stone, I ve no idea. Was told it was stress after having bloods.