Good afternoon,
My name is Cindy I am 19 years old, 5'1, 140lbs. I have a cyst near my tailbone on my left side of my butt cheek. I have had the cyst removed by my dermatologist on November 24th, 2014. I noticed as the 2 weeks went by that the area looked red and not healing properly. When I got the stitches removed by my college health and wellness center (The dermatologist is in Vegas and the Health and Wellness center is in St. George) the doctor said that it looked fine and that it should be healing. When I went home for the winter break I noticed that it still did not heal properly and it wasn't fully closed so I made a doctors appointment back with the dermatologist and he said that it was infected so he gave me doxycline for the infection and a wound care cream. After another week and a half it still was doing no good so my mother and I decided to go to another doctor for a second opinion. We went to a skin and cancer center, they he said that the doctor just scratched the surface of the cyst and may have not fully taken the sac out. There was a something on top of the skin that I can best describe as a boil. He decided to cut it out and push all the blood out. When my mom saw it that day she said it looked as if it was gone and that was just a scar. Now my problem is that I am back in St. George for school and the boil came back and it is best described as a giant zit that is leaking and is causing me pain to walk and sit down, in the past two days it has grown the biggest I have ever seen it and it is worse then when I had the surgery procedure to get it removed. Please help me figure out what I can do to get rid of this or even a doctor/ specialist that I can see.