I miscarried twins. one never developed a heart beat the other did, it lasted until about 8-9weeks. I took Cytotec Dec 12th, and am still bleeding. The large clots have stopped but I will have a day or two with no blood, then one with bright red blood. I had my HCG checked on January 16th (I was in the ER w the flu and they checked it) and it was 73. I am waiting on the results of another HCG check by my dr last week that I asked for.
Is this normal, I feel like im asking for help when they should be trying to help me more and not just let me keep bleeding. I don't want there to be any long term affects.
So right now it has been almost 8 weeks post cytotec. if my hcg level was 73 almost 3 weeks ago, what could I expect it to be now?
I read that home pregnancy tests detect 15-25 as a positive, should I get one and try to decipher the result, or strength of the band.