have, however, gone from crutches to a cane. But still cannot drive. Please, if there are any Hi, I fell back in December, I twisted my ankle and then fell hard onto concrete on the middle of my right knee. I couldn't move for 5 minutes or more. I tried to drive myself to the hospital but w/in 20 minutes had a bump the size of an egg on the right side of my right knee where the bend is, and could not position my leg to drive. Since, I've rested it, iced it, took anti-flammatories, pain pills, etc. I was diagnosed w/sprains basically throughout my whole body. I couldn't walk and had to be pushed in a wheel chair, as my left foot was injured and my right knee and hand were also.. I had to be off of my body for months, kept everything elevated, etc. I gained more mobility, however, after about 3 1/2 months of PT and no extreme progress, I got another opinion, who put me back on PT w/a tens unit applying meds under my knee cap. Helped a little, but still had no real progress. Finally had MRI on knee and chrondomalaica patella, meniscus degeneration, fissure facet under knee cap and crack in cartilage. & crooked knee cap. Had no symptoms prior to fall. when back to Dr. because the meds w/tens wasn't making any real head way again. The Dr. gave me a Cortisone shot, seemed to help immediately, less stiffness & pain, however, w/in a day, like every other treatment, the knee was hurting and stiff again. Went back to Dr. she said from the very beginning didn't need any surgery. Gave me a prescription for another 6wks of PT w/ultra sound. I expected to feel better because it was ultrasound and light stretching. The ultrasound did not initially bother me at all, however, w/in hours after, the pain was the worse I had felt since any treatment. I am now back in Pt again w/just stretches, which helped at first, but now again, my knee continually gets worse and the pain which was initially local is down going above my knee, as well as down the right side of my leg just before the area where the calf would begin. I've even felt a little pain going down to my foot and my upper thigh. I seem to be loosing more and more ability to have my knee support me at all. After 6 months, I am still wearing a knee brace. I suggestions I would appreciate it. I