Short background.. In Aug. 2009 I had a fall at work where I broke my sacrum & injured my neck. My neck was never treated, until recently I just had a MRI performed. The MRI shows that I have Cervical osteophytes C3 to C6. I have been struggling severely with my neck since 8/2009. I work at a desk where I am forced to crink my neck to my shoulder to talk on the phone while entering data in computer. I have requested a head set for phone, and or a cushion to go on the receiver & my request was denied. I find it almost impossible to look down, my neck hurts in numerous areas, at different times. The pain goes up the back of my head even, the pain extends down the front of my neck towards my chest,all around the left side & center of my neck and left arm as well. I have self treated my neck with warm compresses, & warm soaks,nothing helps. I struggle to position my neck & body to sleep. Do you have any advice on this you can share what this holds for my future. I am a 46 female small & petite 100lbs. I use to be very active, but this injury I had to my back & neck has changed my life tremendously.
Thank you