I was diagnosed with polycythemia about 12 years ago with almost exactly the following symptoms. Most said it was cronic fatigue and go home and rest. Finally, a blood Specialist found and treated for polycythemia. No more problems for 10 years. My present doctor will not listen. I can t do anything except lie in bed. Five months ago I was a workaholic. Btw, I do drink more than I should Symptoms: Itchiness all over back, arms and neck has gone away just recently Dizziness extreme Weakness fatigue Sleep apnea being treated. Excessive sweating, night sweats. was legs, lately scalp, neck and shoulders Painful swelling both big toe, foot, ankle Gout Shortness of breath. If I just stand up I have to wait to take two steps and then stop again to get my breath. I then stop about every five or six steps to get my breath Breathing difficulty when I lie down Numbness, tingling, burning in hands and feet and ice cold at 65 degrees A feeling of fullness or bloating in left upper abdomen three weeks ago. spleen? Belly bloats easily. Belly aches for quite a while after eating. I had a Nissanfundoplication performed several years ago for gerd. Made it worse. Sudden dizziness, loss of balance and loss of coordination Confusion, or problems with memory, spatial orientation or perception Left testicle swollen and hurts, penis swelled up.