I have been diagnosed with Polymositis and being treated with Pretizone, starting off with 20 mg and now tapering off to 5mg, and starting on actrad (misspelled), the injection twice weekly for a period of 12 weeks. What will this do in helping with this disease? How long will I have this? I have gained 25 pounds since the Pretizone and I m still tired and cannot function, house cleaning and flower gardening etc. How much sleep should I be getting? A lot of questions, but I know little and the Dr. just tells me what to do and doesn t give me much as to how long this Polymositis will last. I was sick for two years having one biopsy of every part and then they did the thigh muscle and then I was diagnosed with it, plus my blood platelets go up and down and am anemic and have had the blood injections, iron infusions, and still it goes up and down and hangs around 10. Does this have anything to do with the Polymostitis? Does this disease cause me to be immobile and not able to walk?