Hello - I am a 39 year old female who is generally very active and in very good health. I experienced vertigo (Doctor said BPPV) for the first time back in July - it happened while I was doing yoga. I went to the hospital and room was spinning, I was nauseous and very dizzy. It took about a month to feel alright again after doctor, physic, chiro and relaxing. I then experienced a second bout of vertigo last month, again doing some gym (this time weights) exercises where my head was turned quickly. This time it went away quicker. However, I have had residual dizziness and a very stiff neck (like a huge heavy dull pain in the back of my neck). I also have extremely tight trapezes and my TMJ is really acting up. It seems every day no matter what I am doing (sitting, relaxing, driving, gym, etc) I experience dizziness or lightheadedness - it is like my head is under water or in a fog of sorts. Hard to explain the feeling. I am currently seeing a chiro and physio and also go for massage therapy. These things seems to assist a little, but then after a few days my trapezes and jaw and neck all stiffen up significantly and the dizziness returns. I have NOT had a recurrence of the BPPV spinning sensation though, just dizziness. What can I do about this?