I have been using a CPAP machine for 3 years and in the last year and a half would wake up with a running nose and sneezing that lasts all day. My doctor said he thinks the machine is contaminated and I should thoroughly clean the tub, tube and mask with vinegar and water. That did not work, the first time I used it after cleaning I woke with my nose running and my eyes watering and sneezing all day. I use purified water in lieu of distilled water, that could be part of the problem, in addition I will call my doctors office and have them order a new mask (pillow) and hose. I loved using my machine when it didn t cause me day time problems, slept well and felt great. I have not used my machine in over a year and want to give it another shot. Has anyone else complained about this issue or am I the only one? Better yet, is there a solution to this problem?