I am a 31 yr old female, 5 5 and a very lean 140lbs. 5 days ago I fell 15-20 feet while rock climbing and landed on my ankle. I saw a highly reputible and skilled podiatric surgeon whom specializes in reconstructive surgery, 2 days post injury, 3 days prior to today. She suspects I have ruptured 2 ligaments, and possibly have a hairline fracture. No fracture was seen in the ER x-rays nor ones in podiatry office, though she rechecked after seeing my foot. Due to extreme and pain swelling she was only able to lightly palpitate with very little manipulation. My understanding is it has swollen more than an average injury of this nature. My 2 week follow up visit will include an additional set of x-rays. At the time I was able to wiggle my toes minimally. She put me in a bandage for compression to help swelling and in a tall walking boot for stability. I have continued to ice 2x per day for 20 min, taken Tylenol regularly, had it elevated almost constantly, day and night and used crutches when up u able to weight it physically. I m unable to take any blood thinning agents due to a protein disorder, which may be a cause for additional abnormal bruising. While the swelling has gone down quite a bit it is still extremely swollen and bruised. I am now able to curl the 1, 3-5 digits. The 2nd however, I can not though I can move it sideways. I am continuing to experience pain to the degree I wake up screaming or have to take the boot off from too much pressure, pin and needle like sensations and a feeling the foot is on fire under the heel and foot pad . I have stiffness in the inner side to the heel between bone and achilles. If moving toes I also experience the needle like feeling though no pain. My follow up visit is not for another 11 days. I am to remove the bandage in 2 days but continue to wear the boot at all times. In your opinion, is this normal pain for this kind of injury? Or should I schedule an appointment sooner? Do you have any additional suggestions to help alleviate pain and swelling? I am concerned about doing any additional damage and healing properly and as quickly as possible.