I have fat hurneations on my heals. They are like white balls, like a wart, but respond to pressure to rise up. My lateral heal meat has shifted and caused me to become supinated. I have plantar faciitis, morons norma, and a left knee patellar femoral syndrome. My heal meat, even with orthotics continues to shift and twist my L foot. My current physio wants to teach me to walk again, I have watched short foot and my outside ankle muscles are feeling like they are giving out. My hips, ribs and R shoulder are twisted. I have bronchial issues. Cough my ribs out to the point of painful binding. My foundation is challenged. Is there a reason for the feet losing their lateral fat pads? (high arches) (tight hips) . . . (desk job) . . (mould exposures) . . . (allergies) . . (asthma) . . .(endometriosis) . . . (sleep apnea) . . . (high blood pressure) . . .(high cholesterol) . . . (100 lbs over weight) . . . and . . .