Hello, my name is Corie Marvin, I live in Jasper, Georgia and I am 26 years old. I am becoming more desperate for some sort of answer to my questions. You see, I have been in four auto accidents. I have been t-boned, in a head-on collision, and flipped 2 cars. My most recent accident, when I flipped my car, I had to be flown by helicopter to North Fulton Regional where I was for 4 days. After they released me, I began having severe pain in both shoulders and my middle back. After getting an MRI of my "shoulder" and showing it to 3 different doctors and them telling me I was fine. In fact, the last doctor was so rude, he prescribed me Tramadol, which I can't take because I am epileptic, in which he replied that I could "just get out then". I found out more recently that the MRI wasn't even OF my shoulder, but my RIBS. I am in excruciating pain every day of my life and I cannot find a doctor who will help me. Believe me, if I had the financial means to go to a specialist or even better (my DREAM) get surgery, I would. Please help me find something. I can't even work to bring in money to visit a specialist. Please help me. Please... My height is 5'0" and my weight is 108 lbs.