/I had an ex lap on Tuesday 2/17/15. On 2/19/15 I went to the urgent care due to chest pain and 101.4 temp. There it was discovered I had bronchial gunk in my right lung. I was sent to the ER under suspicion that I could have a blood clot in my lungs, due to a cough prior to surgery. CAT/CT scan came back normal but it did come back that my hCG levels were 28. On Monday 2/23/15 I went back to the doctor due to a fever again, sore throat, red/itching/swollen/rash/warm incisions, and to recheck my hCG levels to see if they increased. 2/24/15 I received confirmation that my levels increased to 92 and I was consistent with being 4 weeks pregnant. Being that I had a positive pregnancy test, she didn t give me any ointment for the incisions and stated that it looked as though it was a reaction to the steri-strips. My urine analysis came back that I had UTI (first ever) so I was put on a safe antibiotic. Since Thursday 2/27/15 I have ran a fever between 100.6-101.7 that lasts a few hours, have a sore throat, flank/bank pain. I am really concerned about my health because I am NEVER sick, plus I am pregnant. I feel like I am getting nowhere with local doctors.