I ate peanut butter on rice cakes, had 3 of them, and a table spoon of coconut oil right after it, I had them before, but never in that combination before, about 2 Hrs. latter I had temporary stomach cramps, upon moving my bowels i suddenly I started to get cold sweats, my skin felt clammy, my face turned white, felt nausea as well, but didn’t vomit, I laid down on my bathroom floor, that was all I could do, it took about 20 mins. to pass, I thought I’d die! I had this before when I had to much ice cream, that was the lactose, I’m not necessarily lactose in tolerant but if I over step my tolerance I can get an attack, but there was no lactose in the above. What could’ve caused it? And what do you call this condition, I don’t have any kind of stomach condition I know of.