My name is Philip & I am a 67 yr old man with Diabetes, hypertension, asthma and severe sleep apnoea . At around 7 yrs old I was sexually interfered with by a paedophile and then later around 12 yrs., I suffered an attempted rape . I had no counselling for these trauma s until I was diagnosed with PTS by a psychiatrist around the age of 50. I was prescribed Zoloft which worked well until 2012. My then medical aid ceased and I attended the local government hospital. They do not dispense Zoloft and I had to use Prozac generic. After about 6 months, whilst taking the meds, I experienced withdrawal symptoms and the meds were changed to Citalopram 40mgs/p/day. I am once again experiencing strange withdrawal symptoms (like shooting rushing feelings in my head, dizziness, no energy, shortness of breath, irritability, nausea etc). Q: What can be done now?