Hi just was put on fibrosis medication 10 days ago,my gyno said I need to be on this before my surgery..which should be in May,but my symptoms don t seem to be disappearing , first I don t know if I m getting my period this month,secondly I suffer from major back pain ,due to this 10cm fibroid,I bloated at all times of the day,I m very very irritated,she told me that it would help with th swelling and back aches, but it has made me more depressed than anything else,I don t feel comfortable,I ve gain at least 10 pounds in the past year in a half..due to this fibroid,when and how long does it take for these meds to work?i feel like stopping them,cause I feel even worse than before ,but my dr says I need to be on them,before my surgery,my surgery consists of removal of my whole uterus..what do I need to do?im very very impatient ..needs answers F