Sure,Iam in menapuse ,i will be 50 in Dec ,iam really struggling with all symptoms,recently my father passed and some other issues,but do not think its really bothering me,but my daughter and Dr thinks its STRESS,ihave been having a funny feeling in my chest area not really pains ,just funny feeling and then i get anxious,when i take half a tab of xanax it seems to go away,have been doing this for about 3weeks, seems a daily thing,my periods came 2and half wks early ,iam just getting tired of this crazy chest thing, I hasve had chest xrays ,blood work ,scopes, seen a lung dr,cardiolagist, and a stress test all is gd,just cant believe its change of life ,horrible things can happen,change of life symptoms can leave any time.Whats your thought?Thanks for listening!!!