Thank you and hi. I have dealt with this before but I would like advise before making a appt. with a foot specialist. I am a diabetic and occasionally I deal with a foot ulcer. It started a week ago, a large blister on my big toe (bottom) that broke. I noticed blood on my sock. It has been hard to stay off my feet, I have had a project going with a friend helping me. Each day we soak with alcohol then wrap with gauze and using neosporin on the open sore. The first day when the blister broke I cut the dead skin away so it would heal better. It has been a raw open sore with the skin around it looking white (dead) but still attached to the skin, I do not want to cut away more. It is the size of a dime or nickle. It is looking more red all around the toe, top and bottom and the dead skin area is looking more yellow than white. What should I do to help this heal faster. Going to our local emerg. room I do not think would help me, I can make a appt. with my foot dr. but that takes time and I am worried with the redness around it. I am doing my best to not get infection at this point. What do you suggest.
My email address is YYYY@YYYY . It is in regard to my husband, he is 69.