Thank you for offering to help. I am very worried about my daughter, she is 35 yrs old, and has been taking adderall since 2004 when her husband at the time got her on it because he was taking it and his doctor began to prescribe it for my daughter as well. She was never ADHD. So, now she is addicted to it, plus she drinks a lot of alcohol. She ended up getting baker acted because of a breakdown from adderall and alcohol. Running naked and screaming in the middle of the night, her roommates asked her if she wanted them to call the police, and she did have the sense about her to say "yes". She has all the symptoms on this website from the use of adderall. She will not admit that it is an "addiction problem". She cannot hold a job because of her irratic behavior. Her Dad and I don't know what to do to help her. When we bring up how her behavior reflects problems relating to the use of adderall, she gets mad and says..."do you have a white jacket? You are no doctor, you don't know what I need. This was prescribed by a doctor for me..." We are worried sick and fear for what's to become of her if she proceeds down this horrible road. She is a college graduate, and had a good career going and was happy before she met her (now) x-husband. She has terrible tremors in her hands, and sometimes talks crazy...hallucinating really weird things that she gets all irate about. She is our only daughter and we want to try to help her. Please, what should we do?