The ARNP I see for Pain Management has told me that I needed to get a Sleep Study done or she would reduce my pain meds to 3 tablets a day. (Have failed back surgery --fusion of L3, L4, S1). Have been going to the same Pain Clinic since the surgery, 3/2011. I had the Sleep Study done. I saw her today and asked for a 'boot' for my R foot. An MRI showed arthritis and fracture. I had a L boot for gout, to stabilize my toe due to pain which placed weight bearing on my L foot. She said no, I needed to see a podiatrist or she would reduce my pain meds, again. I feel manipulated and not listened to but the way the 'opioid epidemic' has affected MD's in this area (Seattle) has cause them to not want to handle pain patients and clinics are scarce. Do you think this is ethical to keep telling me to go here and there or pain meds will be reduced?