The birth of my twins triggered puerperal psychosis, followed by cycles of severe lows and highs in the past 15 years. The phases alternate now so often. Every 6 days I have severe depression, do not know what to do at all, or say and need to call for help, need someone to take care of me, and times when I am so happy and full of energy and do so many things at a time, multitasking till I collapse and then crash into depression. Interestingly It is always premenstrual, so hormonal imbalance is the case. I am desperate to regulate these mood swings, can you help me? My husband says also that I then become irritable defensive, and forgets everything but when I m ok I forget about him and family or friends and can t imagine being unwell or needing help. He suggests anger management as I then become verbally aggressive. What can I do please?