The doctors do not know what's wrong with me. They believe it as some sort of autoimmune disorder but they're not sure. I have a vascular necrosis that has collapsed three of my joints; my right knee and both of my ankles. I had surgery on my right knee and they put in a plate and three screws. I just had an MRI of my left ankle today and I'm going back to the doctor on Wednesday to see what my surgical options are. While I'm there, he got the referral to look at my right ankle, which also has a vascular necrosis and a fracture of the distal end of the tibia. I have positive Ana which is abnormal, and a 4.0 anti nuclear antibody b, which is well over the 0.9 that it is supposed to be under. I have several other chronic conditions. I also have an extremely elevated white blood cell count. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, schizoaffective disorder, and a few others which are all being treated as separate issues. All of my inflammatory markers are high. I just want to know what is wrong with me before I end up crippled. I've already lost three joints and had to quit my job because I can no longer work on my feet on broken bones all day. I'm a 35 year old female and a single mother of two young boys and I have no way to pay my bills now because I can't work.