The first day of my last period was March 20, 2015 and I bled for 8 days. My first day is normally light then the following 4 days will be heavy with excruciatingly painful cramps then the last day or two will be light to spotting again. Mind you out of know where I started having several episodes of nausea 2 to 3 times a day sometimes accompanied by dizziness especially if I stand up to quickly. My periods are pretty normal but I was suppose to start my next cycle last Thursday, April 16th and never did. Monday morning I woke up spotting pink and brown. It was only when I wiped. I put on a pad because I didn't have panty liners. By the end of the day there was only a thin streak on the pad. I did have small cramps. The next day, Tuesday, it was a little heavier and each time I'd go pee which felt like every 30 minutes the color would be different and the amount would flip flop from light to a little heavy then light again and the color would be different every time. By the end of the day my pad again was only enough for a panty liner. On Wednesday it was light as if it were going to stop. The whole day it did the same as Tuesday but along with the light pink brown there was a little light red. Yesterday, Thursday, It was still light enough for a panty liner and again every time If go pre it be the colors I'd spoke of before but then there was a little orange color. Sometimes it would be a like a burnt orange or light orange but mixed with the other colors. Today, Friday I'm still spotting but it's almost gone. Is this a sign of pregnancy or am I just having an off month. I took a test Monday and Yesterday and both were negative. I've heard that sometimes if you test too soon it will not show up. Should I wait to test again in a week? Help!!!!