The past few days I have had a cluster of various infections on my lower half front to back varying from boils to some other things ( I say this because it is still unclear as to what exactly the other things are) & lately one of the spots that I had suspected to probably be a boil became very swollen and inflamed.
Because of this I I knew that it was going to boil just because of the way it looked and felt.
I had initially made an appointment with my with midwife for the swellings in my front area because I was nervous and thought perhaps they were cysts since they didn't act like boils like the one on my back end. I need this appointment before the swelling on another part of my region became very inflamed and painful.
I haven't seen my midwife today and she was not sure as to exactly what it was in the front of all those swellings but she said that the 1 spot that was very swollen and inflamed was cellulitis.
So I guess my question is ( well two questions actually)
1. While I am taking my medication for the cellulitis is there anything I can do to help ease the inflammation & stinging?
The pain is becoming quite unbearable, I have been taking ibuprofen but that doesn't seem to even affect the pain a fraction. The skin in that general area is drying up quickly and I don't know if there is any creams that I could use to rub on the cellulitis to prevent it from drying out & cracking even more (& hopefully to ease the burning and stinging).
2. Since my midwife wasn't sure I thought I would ask this about the swelling in my front area.
I had initially thought that they were cysts because they felt like a hard ball or similar to that but there is no redness and no tenderness (it wasn't necessarily swollen like the Cellulitis or the boil). I also figured that if it wasn't a cyst it was some kind of infection from the hair follicles down there. They never formed to head but the largest one had created a tiny hole on its own and I noticed some blood dried around there so I figured I would give it a squeeze to see if it was something that could be drained like the boil.
Sure enough just giving it a light squeeze and it instantly started raining pus and blood but compared to the boil it was primarily blood with very little puss. The swelling (or bulge really, again not the same swelling like the cellulitis or boil) has gone down in size since I drained it a bit to the best of my ability. Another note is that it didn't necessarily hurt before, during, and after I drained it, so that's why I ruled out it being boil but still was not sure if it was possibly a form of cysts.
I was curious as to what you think it might be, my midwife said that sometimes genital herpes will look abnormal then what they usually do on rare occasions and she thought that it could possibly be that.
Whatever the case I think the majority of all these things going on down there is a combination of severe stress and hormonal imbalance since I just had my baby a month ago.