This might be a silly question. I only ask because of all the crazy things you can read on the internet. So, My husband and I got busy on 11/26/15. We used the pull out method. Not smart I know since we have a six month old. He was too tired to finish too, but I still freaked since I realized I might be ovulating. I took multiple hpt's and all have been negative. I went to the dr. and had a blood test on 12/7/15 and it came back negative on 12/8/15. I then started my period on 12/9/15 thank goodness. It seemed like a normal period; light, then heavy, then light again lasting for five days. I know your period can be somewhat irregular pp for awhile. I was suppose to start my period yesterday. My husband and I have not gotten busy since my last freak out and I've sworn him off until I get my IUD. I had my first pp period the month after my son was born, and every month since then. Call me crazy I know but that darn internet can freak you out! Thanks!