This morning I suddenly started having what I call "fractured thoughts." I have pieces of thoughts and it is very distracting. This lasted for about 4 hours. I have had these bouts in the past and have been checked out for possible tia's or strokes but nothing shows up. About 15 years ago I was diagnosed with having a "veinous anomoly." It was within acceptable measurements and I was told that it more than likely would never cause any serious problems. I had gone to Dallas Medical Center to have it checked out. From time to time I have had episodes where my thoughts get kind of scattered like they did this morning. After the distracting thoughts pass, I have some trouble remembering common things like passwords, TV channels, etc. In the past the specialists I saw were not concerned enough to suggest any treatment and it has been about 6 or 7 years since I had one of these happen to me. The problem today lasted for a longer period of time than it used to. I was able to sit down at my computer and enter my password without any problem and was able to look at my bank account without any problem also. Since it's been awhile between the last time this happened and now, and the amount of time it lasted was longer than it used to be, I just wondered if you could tell me what you think it is. I am in Texas right now for the winter but live in Indiana so don't have a doctor here in Texas. Thank you so much for any information you may be able to give me. Also, other than the confusing and fragmented thoughts, I have had no other symptoms.