Three times, over the course of approximately 4 weeks, my blood pressure has spiked to 200-210/100. The first time this happened, I was feeling somewhat "loopy" for several days, i.e. balance was slightly off, etc. My husband checked my BP, very elevated, I went to the ER, CT scan was done, no signs of bleeding. Over the course of 4 hrs., it returned to normal, 100/52. 2 wks. later, a repeat. Again to the ER. Slowly, it went down. Feb. 09, we were with friends for dinner, no alcohol, leisurely meal, about 10:30 my head felt weird, my husband checked my BP: 210/100. Had a nuclear stress test 1 yr. ago; normal. My PCP yesterday told me to take my clonidine at exactly the same time (it was 2 hrs. late on 02/09). I take it for hot flashes and for hypomanic disorder. Even without the clonidine, my BP has been historically low. Although we live in a rural area, we will travel for good health care but I don't know whom to consult. I graduated from Lankenau Hospital School of Nursing in 1966, so I am concerned what is causing this precipitous hypertension and will appreciate your opinions. Elisabeth H. Keener