To whom it may concern,
My name is Landon. I am a powerlifting from Pennsylvania. I am 20 years old . 6'0'' 263lbs .
My question is regarding blood pressure.
Most times I will check my pressure and it will average out to be around 124 (systolic) 80 (diastolic) with a pulse around 75-80. I have a lot of stress in my life that I am trying to control. When I go to the doctors, I must have whit coat syndrom, because I get all worked up and my blood pressure is always a little high. Some nights such as tonight , I have a sinus infection and the average of my last 3 readings were, 135/81 pulse 80 . I was told that fluctuation in blood pressure that are due to stress are dangerous .? I have been as low as 110/68 and as high as 152/90 in one situation. My question to you is, is it dangerous for my numbers to fluctuate due to stressful conditions? I eat pretty heathy and intake around 37 grams of sugar a day and around 1500 mg of sodium. I workout almost everyday. I get scared that these fluctuations are dangerous thus creating higher readings . I would very greatly appreciate a detailed response to help me out and keep me positive. Thank you so much and God bless.