To whom it may concern,
hello, I am writing to address a few questions I have as far as my health. I am a 31 yr old female and I suffer from lower back pain from a work injury in 07. I have had a lamectomy, discetomy, two spinal cord stimulation trials and a perm put in Jan 2013. I had experienced two dural tears which has lead to severe headaches vertigo at times. Along with that I have numbness, pain and what feels as if I am having a mixture of seizures and worst Charley horse at times in lower extremities since having stimulation put in perm. I also noticed that when stem is in need of charge it effects my health by making me feel nausea headache and weak. Now I do not try to do this on purpose but at the same time I feel when fully charged and on that I have increased anxiety and heart seems to race. My medications will seem high and a lot but I have decreased the doses in comparison to what I once was prescribed almost double and yet my pain due to my last three surgeries have taken place since my decision to tapper. I can give a list of medication doses if interested. As I'm writing this post I see that I can upload my reports, so I guess my question is if a Dr is willing to look over some of my medical history and offer their perspective on how to better manage treat or help me to look into something I may not have considered to improve my health I would appreciate it! If you would email me with exact info I can provide as not to waste your time but help maybe point me in right direction. Due to being a w/comp patient I feel I don't always get treatment that is in my best interest but financially for insurance company. I just want to conclude with one I have had injections, physical therapy, chiro, and that my main injury is in L5S1 sciatic nerve pain. I also had limes disease in 2010 full blown,treated for two months. I guess I am just desperate to feel better and more balanced again. This has caused me to retain fluid, my skin has been breaking out, stomach upset and mentally foggy and chronic fatigue. Any thoughts on diet, detox or thoughts on stimulation are appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your time
Ms. C