Two weeks I fell forward, tripped over a doorstep. Broke fall with arms. No bruising. The next day I started to feel some aching, but it seemed normal for someone my age, 75, and because of the shock of the fall. Now, I realize that my right leg is developing pooling of fluid around my ankle. I cannot genuflect, but can kneel on a kneeler OK. I believe that my shortness of breath is getting worse, but livable. I try to avoid taking aspirin, which does relieve the pain, and of course any clotting tendency, because aspirin makes my arthritis worse. I have a low-dose ginkgo giloba (useful as a blood thinner) which I can take along with some Standard Process Cataplex B, Cardio-plus and Cyruta which are good for congestive heart failure. Basically, I am in denial that this could actually be happening to me.