Two years ago I was caring for my husband, in declining health. He died in April of 2014, expected but still sad. Within 6 weeks I had to move from the retirement community we had lived in for 8 yrs. & really enjoyed our life there. I couldn't afford to stay there since my income had dropped by almost half of what it had been. I had to find low income senior apt. & did. In Sept. of the same year my 92 yr. old mother died. I had devoted my life to her in those months after my husband's death, when she suddenly became ill & expired within a month. I was her executor, so the family looked to me for answers & finalizing her affairs. My children were not living near me & hadn't been for many years & now that nothing was holding me in the area, my desire was to move near to one of them. So, having to wait out a lease, at one yr. after the loss of my husband I was moving across country to live near my daughter. Now, we are dealing with potentially life threatening health problems with my adult grand daughter. Another stressful event in such a short period of time. I've been hearing phrases like "complicated grief" & "complex grief". I've dealt with many losses in my life & believe that I know how to handle it but sometimes the depression gets to be more than I can deal with. There are many accumulations of grieving that come back once in a while. I'm not sure what question I wanted to ask, I didn't know that I had found a site that I could ask. I am 75 years of age, so have had a long life of good & bad. Does it sound like I'm dealing with one of those griefs I mentioned above? Thank you.