Upper stomach discomfort with some nausea,head ache, slightly elevated temperature (over 99, but under 100), and resent concern that my liver enzymes elevated to above 100. I am a stage 3 breast cancer Servivor 1 year 2 month from my last chemo therapy treatment. About 4 months ago my medical provider wrote me a prescription dose of Neproxin Sodium. My oncologist checked labwork saw elevated liver enzymes so he stopped the tamoxifen he was treating me with over this past year. After 6 weeks we rechecked my liver enzyme, they went up again (this time over 100). They scheduled a CT scan. During the scan (toward the end) when they say you will feel like you are peeing on yourself I also felt a painful warm sensation along my left side. I was told this was not a normal response. I have seen my medical MD and the plan is to slowly wean from the webutrin and then the Zoloft I'm taking. I can feel when it goes up. I'm in much pain. I feel worried. Are there other questions I should be asking?