Well...here goes. Hypoplastic R lung, no pulmonary artery. Went through back surgery, 23 June, 2015, for removal of a synovial cyst. Went well, no more pain. However, post-op Atelectasis. I have been on nighttime O2 concentrator since 2001, run 2 miles in the day. Since surgery, I've had to remain on concentrator or ambulatory O2 24/7. Pulse oximeter shows < 90% with any activity w/o O2. Seeing pulmonary specialist at University of Utah SOM. CT w/ con & Echo w/ bubbles does show a shunt, considered non-significant now, be further reviews by cardiologist. Not being given many answers, ie was this pre-op, causes, etc. Will see Pulmonologist next week. Worried about compressing exercises due to septal defect. Any info helpful.